Thank you for all your previous messages I really appreciated. Sadly she passed away yesterday so I will be away from Bandland until the wake is over on friday.
Thank you so much again for your support.

If you could be a weather forecast, what would you be and why?
A sunny spring day, when it is warm but not too hot. And it is sunny but the sun is not burning your skin.
If you could be a crayon, what color would you be and why?
It would really depand on my mood. At the minute I think I would be a dark purple one. But not a blueish purple, a more pinkish one.
What is/was your biggest physical goal you want to do when you hit your goal weight?
I want to be able to cycle with my fiance, he loves cycling but I can't do it for a long time at the moment. So maybe we can cycle to and back form work.
If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?
I would be a bear, bears are not mean they are just misunderstood. I am more like the cuddly carebear type. I am not scared to say I am addicted to hugs, I LOOOOVE them so much. I would be a happy carebear with nice people and a mean grumpy forest bear with not nice people.
What was your highest weight?
146.6 kg
What is your weight now?
135.4 kg
What is your goal weight if you have one?
What is your goal size if you have one?
I don't really have one as I am a lot smaller on top and I guess I will see what size I am when I am 70kg
What diet/program/tool do you follow/have if any?
I have a Cousin Bioring gastric band and I follow advice from my bariatric nurse (most of the time)
How did you lose the weight current to today?
Sammy (my band), eating the right things. I will start to exercise again from today.
What’s your best advice for people in this weight loss journey?
Just take your time to lose the weight, follow your doctor's advice, think positively, surround yourself with the right people, don;t hesitate to say if you think something is wrong, always count on the sisterhood of the band.
Have you ever shaved your whootananny?
I did once, and it looked like a raw chicken. I didnt like the look, feel and itchiness of it so wont do that again, but I do wax some every week! And I do get someone to wax mine but never completely. I you lady need any beauty/waxing/make up advice just let me know I am not scared of anything haha.
My belly is still quite swollen around the cuts. They are still covered in glue and there is dried blood aroud them which I am not liking... But it will be gone soon. I can noe drink a bit more during the day but I still don't feel hunger which I like a lot.
I still have very big bruises of the IV and blood tests.
Coming back from my operation I have been spoilt by my friends who sent or brought little gifts. Here are some pictures of what I had :
I love flowers so I was so happy. Yesterday I went to Ikea and bought a few things for the house. I will make pictures of my house or maybe a video soon to show you my DIY job.
In the meantime i wish you a good evening and I promise I will be back in Blogland soon.